Contact Diane Stakoe regarding in-person or virtual holistic healing sessions, workshops, or retreats

Whether you are looking for a new perspective on your physical, emotional, and/or mental health, have “tried everything” to feel better, or want to learn how to bring energy healing into your life as well as others, Diane offers comprehensive and customized services including energy healing, intuitive guidance, and transpersonal hypnosis sessions and classes.

Diane views each client relationship as a partnership. Holistic healing and wellbeing is not something that you achieve externally, but by learning and practicing how to heal from within, in order to access greater joy, peace, vitality and abundance in your life. Contact Diane for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals.

Diane Stakoe, CHT, CRMT, LMBT, CHLC Holistic Healing

(919) 307-9937

Schedule an Appointment