What is Light Language?

Light Language is a sacred universal language understood only by the heart (as opposed to the mind), for the purpose of healing and reconnecting with the Truth that is You, your Higher Self, the Divine or God within.

Channeled Light Language

Channeled Light Language bypasses the mind, speaking directly to the heart for healing at a cellular level. Light Language can be expressed vocally, through movements, writing, and art forms.

It is the language of the Soul and was the original language of humanity before today’s languages that we know were developed. This means you can’t simply pick up a textbook and teach yourself Light Language by studying it with your mind. A channeler of Light Language is attuned with the higher energetic vibrational frequencies used for holistic healing and wellbeing for the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic beings that we are.

Everyone can heal with and become attuned to and live from these higher frequencies of energy, as it is our birthright. It is how we come into this world and where we return to. Doing so allows you freedom. It means to live from a place of unwavering peace, no matter your circumstances. Experiencing joy, abundance, flow, creativity, harmony, and vitality within yourself, and with all of life.

Light Language can be channeled and expressed vocally in tones, sounds, “words”, song, or visually through art, writing, and movement.

If you are curious about a healing session with channeled Light Language, and/or activating your own Soul Language/Light Language, schedule a complimentary phone consultation or appointment below.

Light Language

Where does Light Language come from?

Guidance from unseen realms which are of the highest energetic vibrational frequency of Light and Unconditional Love (the energy of Source, God, the Universe, Creator, Spirit, the Divine…) are available to us all for our healing and awakening to higher consciousness for the ascension of humanity. When you are open to receiving this guidance, you become a channel through which you receive and transmit light codes for healing for yourself and those who hear it or experience it visually.

Light codes are bundles of information transmitted through light. Since everything in the Universe is made of light/energy, so are you. Light codes are also dormant aspects within your DNA, which carry and transmit vibrational frequencies. These are encoded vibrations you can access/receive to heal you at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Through Light Language, these frequencies upgrade our DNA!

Light Language is the only language that can be felt by the heart, that can be touched, heal, and be heard from within. It is the language of ALL and the language of the Soul.

It is a potent tool that allows you to clear your field and your whole system to return to its natural state — the state of abundance, flow, peace, and vitality.

How does Light Language work?

Any imbalance in your body, mind, and spirit can be perceived as a lower vibrational state. Light Language is a transmission of higher vibrations that overrides lower vibrations. It can also override your negative thoughts or emotions. Unlike any other known human language, it can’t be understood consciously as it is not communicated through words. Yet, when you hear it, it touches your heart, and you can feel its healing energy. Although you can’t comprehend the translation consciously, your higher consciousness recognizes the sounds as the Creator’s words.

Working with the Language of Light is called channeling. In other words, you use your voice and body to create frequencies matching the channeled vibration, in which the channeler can transmit that energy to another person or group of people.

Diane Stakoe began unexpectedly channeling Light Language in August of 2022 and has been Divinely guided to use this gift in the healing and spiritual awakening work she does with her clients in one-on-one and group settings, both remotely and in-person.