Hypnosis (or hypnotherapy) is another form of energy healing medicine, and a therapeutic technique that helps clients access a relaxed, focused state of mind to facilitate healing, personal growth, and behavior change.
It is a practice that facilitates the relaxation of the conscious “thinking” mind in order to access the wisdom and guidance of one’s subconscious mind, where deep-seated beliefs, patterns, and memories reside. This can help resolve issues such as stress, anxiety, pain, or trauma.
Hypnosis is a natural and spontaneous state that everyone experiences several times a day! Bypassing the logical and analytical mind, information from the senses enters the emotional space of the subconscious.
Examples of everyday hypnosis include times of worry, being entranced in a movie, and our waking up/dozing off state.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, meaning that it is not something that someone else does to you, but rather you give yourself permission to let go of conscious thought and trust the information that bubbles up from your subconscious.
During a hypnosis session, you will remain awake, aware, and in control throughout the entire process.
In a hypnotic state (a relaxed, trance-like or meditative state) you will never be made to say or do anything you are uncomfortable with.
Misconceptions around hypnosis and hypnotists are what many have seen in the media, most likely for the purposes of entertainment, and are VERY different from therapeutic hypnosis.
If you experience borderline personality disorder or another mental, clinical diagnosis, a referral note from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is required.
Types of Hypnosis
Holistic Hypnosis
In a holistic hypnosis session, the focus is on overall wellness and personal growth, helping with emotional and physical healing, self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and soul alignment. During a session, clients are guided to connect with different “parts” or aspects of themselves for better understanding of circumstances, deep healing, and connection to a greater sense of inner peace.
Quantum Soul Evolution
Physicists believe that all time is simultaneous, and because of that you have access to your own future self in this lifetime. A future life progression session focuses on how your soul is here to evolve, moving beyond past traumas, beliefs keeping you stuck, and negative habits/behaviors. Clients are gently guided to align with their highest and greatest self in this lifetime for greater clarity, joy, peace, and vitality.
Past Life Regression
A PLR or Soul Rembrance session is a therapeutic hypnosis technique where you one is guided into a relaxed, meditative-like state to explore memories and experiences from this life, in-utero, and a past life(s) and life between lives. Through this process, you can gain insights into unresolved emotional issues, karmic patterns, and life lessons that may be affecting your present life. By uncovering these past experiences, one can release blockages, heal deep-seated trauma, and bring clarity and understanding to your current journey.