What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word that means “Spirit-guided” or “life-force” energy, in which it is believed that we all have an unseen life-force of energy flowing through us and through all of creation. Reiki is a form of energy medicine and is a natural healing method that uses energy channeled through a practitioner’s hands to restore health and a sense of well-being. Reiki can be used for self-treatment, as well as healing for others (including animals and plants), situations, events and the greater world in which we live. Reiki is not part of any religion nor does it require any religious beliefs for its effectiveness, either by the practitioner or the receiver.

Energy is not bound by time or space, therefore Reiki energy can be sent distantly as well as in-person. A Reiki practitioner gently moves their hands just above or on the client’s clothed body if in-person (or visualized if sending Reiki from a distance).

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Reiki complements rather than replaces conventional medical treatments and is frequently used in hospital settings and private practices. Some of the many benefits of receiving Reiki include:

  • deep relaxation which in turn promotes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing

  • decreased levels of stress

  • improved moods, sleep, and self-esteem

  • lowered blood pressure

  • a sense of inner peace

  • decreased pain and discomfort

  • enhanced intuition and spiritual growth

  • overall sense of balance and well-being