What it Means to Heal

As we’ve embarked upon another year around the sun, perhaps you, like many others, have resolutions for health, prosperity, and overall wellbeing.

With so many external tools, equipment, devices, and apps at our fingertips, we should truly be set up for success in achieving these goals, right?

Afterall, we have been conditioned to believe that a state of wellbeing is something we have to achieve from a place of "doing", of accessing something outside of ourselves.

Maybe though you are like some of the clients I have been working with these past few months who are seeking something deeper.  Perhaps, like them, you too have an inner knowing (like I did many years ago), that your body was designed to heal and that you have a greater purpose than just going through the motions of life, trying to make it from one day to the next.

If you haven't yet heard, there is a massive awakening happening now here on this planet in which we live.  People are waking up to an understanding of truth in that we are all healers who have come here as souls to finally clear, heal, and ascend out of karmic cycles and generational traumas and conditioning that have kept us vibrating at lower energetic frequencies, which in turn cause disharmony and dis-ease in the physical and mental body. 

When we realign with this truth and live from our most authentic self, we energetically vibrate at a higher frequency in which we  experience greater joy, vitality, inner peace, love, abundance, and overall wellbeing!

Maybe you've been doing all the "things" to feel better either physically and/or mentally and emotionally, feel like you have been stuck in a cycle or pattern that you can't seem to break free from, or perhaps just need some additional support on the healing & awakening journey you've been on for a while, whichever the case, I'd love to assist you.  I work with clients both in-person and virtually. 

Let's connect.

How My Anxiety from Past Trauma Robbed Me of Sleep

better sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep was something I yearned for for YEARS.  It seemed like no matter how tired my body was, my mind wouldn’t slow down and be quiet. If I was lucky enough to fall asleep, I would almost always wake up in the night crippled with worry, fear and sometimes even full blown panic.

I can remember this one night (although I had many more just like it), where I woke up in a wave of panic, after actually having had a few decent hours of sleep. We had recently moved out of state to a rental house that was a ranch.  I was not used to having our bedrooms on the first floor.  

As I shot upright in bed, my heart was pounding and I was paraliyzed with fear with the thought that someone was going to break into my young daughters’ bedroom and kidnap them.

I bolted out of bed to check on them, and, of course, they were sound asleep.  As I crawled back into bed, the fear was still pulsing through my whole body.  I lay there with eyes and ears wide open. I could actually see it in my mind; their bedroom window being carefully and quietly opened as I slept soundly, not aware that my precious children were being whisked away in the night.  

I felt completely powerless.  

For months, night after night, I would have similar episodes until we moved to a new house with our bedrooms on the second floor.  But my sleep was still compromised due to my continuous anxious and fearful thoughts.

Some nights it was because I was certain my new house was haunted, or that it was going to catch fire in the middle of the night and I needed to stay awake in order to make sure we all got out safely.

I was so caught up in my worry and fear that I didn’t even realize at the time that my sleep patterns were causing distance and anger towards my husband, not being present with my children, friends, family and clients as well as having next to no motivation, low self-esteem, brain fog, and complete exhaustion by 4pm every day.  My whole life was out of balance due to my lack of sleep and stress.

One afternoon at our local library, as I was dropping off an armload of children’s books, a small little book on display about getting a good night’s sleep caught my eye. After bringing it home and devouring it cover to cover, I felt like a weight was beginning to lift.

I didn’t know it at the time, but that little book was the beginning of me not only starting to have better sleep, but was also my introduction to the body-mind connection and how insomnia, for many people (including myself), can be rooted in stress from past trauma and conditioning.

It became my MISSION to learn more about the amazing power we have within us in regards to our healing and living a healthy life in mind, body and spirit, no matter what has happened in our past.

That one little book (I wish I could remember the title and author but it was over 15 years ago!🙃) was a game changer for me, and NOW my mission is to share what I’ve learned so we all can be getting the deep rest, night after night, that we so desperately need and deserve.

Ready to change your sleep story?

Present Moment Healing

healing with mindfulness

A dear friend of mine has been having some relationship struggles. As she navigated through rough waters last week she kept coming back to her past hurts during the times that she communicated with me via phone and text. “…but he WASN’T thinking of my needs…, I WAS hurting too and he KNEW it but DID NOT soothe me with the words that I WANTED and NEEDED to hear,… I feel like I NEED to tell him how inconsiderate he WAS in regards to my feelings…”

I do not write these words to lessen my friend’s experiences and feelings but rather to share as a teaching opportunity for us all, including myself. As she and I spoke several times throughout the past few days it was a chance for me to take a look at my life, actions, and words in my relationships as well. Our past experiences can both cause and resurface wounds to our egos which we most often don’t want to easily let go of.

Our egos (which are really just our thoughts about ourselves, others and things) like to stay in control. Like to be right and do not like to be threatened in any way, shape or form. The ego judges, shames, blames, insults and will do whatever it takes to keep us safe from what it perceives as a threat.

The ego is only a veil that shrouds the soul state, which is our true nature, what is constant when all else fades away. The soul state is nothing but pure and unconditional love, beauty, wholeness, joy and inner-peace. We can only access our true self when we are mindful and present; consciously aware of our actions, words and deeds. It is not easy and takes practice to keep coming back to and living from this place, which resides within the present moment. Being in the present moment is the ONLY place that is our reality. It is not what has happened in the past, nor is our reality happening in the future. In order for us to avoid suffering it is truly the only place and space to keep coming back to.

We live our lives and emit a higher vibrational frequency out into this world when we are living from our soul state verses the ego state. Until we drop out of the mind/ego state, into the space of presence, we are caught up in the hurts of what is no longer present (our past), and/or what has not even happened yet (the future). The practices of meditation, mindfulness and gratitude are where we live from our soul, the place where we continuously raise our vibrations from.

I encourage all of you who might be struggling with your own past hurts, insults, traumas, or fears and worries about your future to STOP, take a deep breath. Slow down. Find something in this very moment to focus your entire being on that brings you joy, and hit repeat to come to this place again, and again and again.

So together, that is what my friend and I did. We paused. We breathed. We allowed our minds to quiet and judgements to fall away. We focused on the beauty, the love and support that those we are in relations with give us, allowing lightness and brightness to emerge again as we returned back to our soul states.

This is how we change the world to become a place of beauty and peace. It starts from within and it starts in each and in every moment that we have. We are all gifted with this birthright, this truth and this power.

May love and light fill your hearts and guide you on your journeys.

Peace and Blessings,


Looking for deeper, more profound healing?

My First Experience as a Reiki Practitioner

It was 2006 and I had recently completed the first two levels of Reiki classes while in massage therapy school. I was a volunteer yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner at a support group for family members of patients with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. A woman in her 60's whose husband was one of these patients had scheduled a Reiki session with me. She walked in with a cane supporting her as she had almost crippling arthritis pain in her knees. She was very specific in telling me "please do not touch my knees."

As I connected with my breath and opened our session in prayer, I immediately felt the Reiki energy of love and healing begin to flow in and through my hands and heart. Beginning at her head and moving with my hands down towards her feet at a slow, rhythmic pace, I paused when I reached her knees. I knew that she did not want me touching them. Up until this point I had been gently placing my hands on her body as taught, on the places that corresponded with her energy centers and endocrine system. When at her knees I "heard" a voice instructing me to go ahead and touch her knees (not physically but energetically). I stood with my hands hovering over her knees and felt an intense heat fill my palms (my hands are typically cool or cold most of the time). This heat lasted for several minutes at which time I moved and ended our session at her feet.

After helping her to an upright position, she looked at me and said "I told you not to touch my knees." My heart started to race and my mind immediately went to the thought of "oh no, what did I do?!" As I gazed into her eyes to get a read on how she was feeling, they filled up with tears. She stood up slowly saying, "I know you didn't actually touch my knees, but I felt the warmest sensation in them and a huge release of the pain that has been with me for years." She then gave me a big hug and smile and walked out without using her cane!

I was taken a back and overcome with tears myself, overjoyed that I had been introduced and able to share the amazing gift that is universal life force energy or spirit-guided healing that is Reiki.

Interested in an energy healing session?