Energy Healing

My First Experience as a Reiki Practitioner

It was 2006 and I had recently completed the first two levels of Reiki classes while in massage therapy school. I was a volunteer yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner at a support group for family members of patients with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. A woman in her 60's whose husband was one of these patients had scheduled a Reiki session with me. She walked in with a cane supporting her as she had almost crippling arthritis pain in her knees. She was very specific in telling me "please do not touch my knees."

As I connected with my breath and opened our session in prayer, I immediately felt the Reiki energy of love and healing begin to flow in and through my hands and heart. Beginning at her head and moving with my hands down towards her feet at a slow, rhythmic pace, I paused when I reached her knees. I knew that she did not want me touching them. Up until this point I had been gently placing my hands on her body as taught, on the places that corresponded with her energy centers and endocrine system. When at her knees I "heard" a voice instructing me to go ahead and touch her knees (not physically but energetically). I stood with my hands hovering over her knees and felt an intense heat fill my palms (my hands are typically cool or cold most of the time). This heat lasted for several minutes at which time I moved and ended our session at her feet.

After helping her to an upright position, she looked at me and said "I told you not to touch my knees." My heart started to race and my mind immediately went to the thought of "oh no, what did I do?!" As I gazed into her eyes to get a read on how she was feeling, they filled up with tears. She stood up slowly saying, "I know you didn't actually touch my knees, but I felt the warmest sensation in them and a huge release of the pain that has been with me for years." She then gave me a big hug and smile and walked out without using her cane!

I was taken a back and overcome with tears myself, overjoyed that I had been introduced and able to share the amazing gift that is universal life force energy or spirit-guided healing that is Reiki.

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